National Requirements Hungary



Applying for EuroPsy in Hungary? Visit website

  • Psychology Education

The education for psychologists in Hungary follows a format of 3 years BA + 2 years MA. There are also additional Expert Programmes that last from 1 to 4 years

Recognition of university education programmes as meeting EuroPsy requirements is undertaken by a national accreditation authority, of which the judgements are accepted by the Hungarian National Awarding Committee (NAC).

  • Programmes that meet EuroPsy requirements:


Hungarian universities providing behaviour analyst BA

  • Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest
  • Károli Gáspár Reformist University (KRE), Budapest
  • University of Debrecen (DE), Debrecen
  • University of Pécs (PTE), Pécs
  • Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE), Budapest
  • University of Szeged (SZTE), Szeged

Hungarian universities providing MA or MSc

  • University of Debrecen (DE)
  • University of Pécs (PTE)
  • University of Szeged (SZTE)
  • Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
  • Károli Gáspár Universityof the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE)
  • Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE)
  • University of Economics andTechnology in Budapest (BGME)

Postgraduate training for Expert Psychologists (2–4 semesters)

  • Expert Psychologist of Addictology (Semmelweis University, Faculty of General Medicine, Department of Clinical Psychology)
  • Expert Psychologist of Counseling (ELTE)
  • Expert Psychologist of Education (ELTE)
  • Expert Psychologist of Forensic Psychology (Semmelweis University, Faculty of General Medicine, Department of Clinical Psychology)
  • Expert Psychologist of Health Promotion (ELTE)
  • Expert Psychologist of Neuropsychology (PPKE)
  • Expert Psychologist of Sexual Psychology (ELTE)
  • Expert Psychologist of Sport Psychology(PTE)
  • Expert Psychologist of Work and OrganizationalPsychology (BGME)
  • Expert Psychologist of SportsPsychology (ELTE)

Postgraduate training for Expert Psychologists in Health Care (8 semesters)

  • University of Debrecen, Center for Medicine and Health (DEOEC), Faculty of Public Health:
  • Expert Psychologist of Clinical Psychology and Mental Hygiene
  • Expert Psychologist of Adult Clinical Psychology and Mental Hygiene
  • Expert Psychologist of Child Clinical Psychology and Mental Hygiene
  • University of Pécs (PTE), Institute of Psychology:
  • Expert Psychologist of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology and Mental Hygiene
  • Expert Psychologist of Adult Clinical Psychology and Mental Hygiene
  • Semmelweis University, Faculty of General Medicine (SE ÁOK), Cathedra of Clinical Psychology:
  • Expert Psychologist of Clinical Psychology and Mental Hygiene
  • University of Szeged (SZTE),
  • Szentgyörgyi Albert Medical School: Expert Psychologist inApplied Health Psychology (6 semesters)


  • Supervised practice arrangements (for the EuroPsy Certificate)

There are various different arrangements as follows:

(i) No evaluation is needed for psychologists with the postgraduate title 'Specialist in [Clinical Psychology / Health Psychology / Psychology of Counselling / Educational Psychology / Work and Organizational] Psychology', since their training includes supervised practice of 1500 hours.

 (ii) Evaluation in one session applies to psychologists who have been practising for one year in the last five years as a psychologist and they have a person (e.g. a Specialist in psychology) who could apply to supervise them. The supervisor decides whether one session is sufficient for evaluating the applicant or whether the evaluation needs more time. In this case (iii) below is applied.

(iii) “Retroactive” evaluation applies to psychologists who have been practising for at least one year but they do not have a person (e.g. a Specialist in psychology) who could apply to supervise them. These psychologists need to seek a Supervisor from the National Register of EuroPsy Supervisors to evaluate him/her. Psychologists who participated in the training (and Grandparenting Supervisors) can also evaluate Type (iii) Applicants.

(iv) Continuous evaluation applies to psychology students or beginner psychologists who take part in supervised work (in some fields it has now become obligatory for beginner psychologists). If so, the official supervisor may also evaluate his/her performance for EuroPsy Certificate.

  • Arrangements for training of supervisors

Training of supervisors is arranged by the National Awarding Committee (NAC).  A syllabus for the training of supervisors has been developed which has been approved by the National Office for Occupation Affairs (the authority in charge for adult education programmes).

Supervisors are members of the Hungarian Psychological Association who hold the title “Expert Psychologist” of a given area. Most supervisors have a minimum 5 years of independent professional practice, and act as principal psychologists in their workplace.

  • Recognition of Title

The title Psychologist is not a legally recognized and protected title

  • Licence to Practice

There is a license or entry in a register needed for practising in some areas of practice. All Clinical Psychologists must hold a licence; all school psychologists must have a postgraduate degree of the School Psychology.

  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

National authoroties regulate CPD only for Clinical Psychologist.
Clinical Psychologists need to collect 250 points in the National CPD system in each 5 years cycle. Both theoretical and practical CPD points are required.
One year in practice stands for 20 CPD points. Professionals need to collect at least 60 points in practice.
The points awarded for different activities (education, research, international coopearation etc.) are detailed in the 64/2011.(XI. 29.) NEFMI decree.